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Failure analysis of adhesive joints in polymer composite structures

FEA (Finite Element Analysis)

Failure analysis of adhesive joints in polymer composite structures

The aim of the project was to simulate the failure process of adhesive joints between glass fiber reinforced polymer composite adherends.

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The critical energy release rate in normal loading direction obtained from standard double cantilever beam test is used as input data in finite element simulations, in which the failure process is modeled by using cohesive zone material.

This was a subtask of a project funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIH), Project title: “Production of polymer products by a short cycle time, automatized production technology for automotive applications, with exceptional focus on the complexity and recyclability of the composite parts”; The application ID number: NVKP_16-1-2016-0046.


Takács L., Szabó F., Vinilészter mátrixú kompozit ragasztott kötésének törésmechanikai jellemzői (Fracture mechanical properties of adhesive joint of vinylester matrix composite), Polimerek, 9, pp 661-665, 2019

Takács L., Szabó F., Experimental and numerical failure analysis of adhesive joint of glass fiber reinforced polymer composite Periodica, Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 64(1), pp. 88–95, 2020